Project News

Clamav porting is continuing...
Alexey Chupahin is asking a help(s) to develop
next clamav release 0.98.4
20$ is a good start via paypal
Also, Alexey is searching sponsor help to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


Clamav 0.98.4 is released.
Some steps were made to avoid CPU-eating problem.
Alexey Chupahin is asking a help(s) to develop
next clamav release 0.98.4
20$ is a good start via paypal
Also, Alexey is searching sponsor help to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


XZ utils are released.
XZ utils version 5.0.7 are released in OpenVMS Alpha and Itanium.
No VAX version yet.

Clamav 0.97.7 is released.
Alexey Chupahin is asking a help(s) to develop
next clamav release 0.97.x
20$ is a good start via paypal
Also, Alexey is searching sponsor help to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


Clamav 0.97.2 is released.
Alexey Chupahin is asking a help(s) to develop
next clamav release 0.97.x
20$ is a good start via paypal
Also, Alexey is searching sponsor help to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


Clamav 0.96.5 is released.
Importent for OpenVMS users:
POLL and SELECT are removed and replaced with VMS system routines.
CPU problem eating problem now is fixed.
BZIP 1.0.6 is required for this release.
Alexey Chupahin is asking a help(s) to develop
next clamav release 0.97.x
20$ is a good start via paypal
Also, Alexey is searching sponsor help to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


Clamav 0.96.3 is released.
This release fixes problems with the PDF parser and the internal bzip2 library.
BZIP 1.0.6 is required for this release.
Alexey Chupahin is searching a sponsor(s) to develop
clamav antivirus check-on-access module for OpenVMS CIFS services (Samba)


BZIP2 1.0.6 released for OpenVMS
This is security fix for CVE-2010-0405, integer overflow.
It is strongly recommended to upgrade bzip2 from previous.
VAX,Alpha and Itanium platforms are supported.
Project is need for your support, $15 is a good start.

Clamav 0.96.1 is released.
Much new in this release:
- Support for new archives: 7zip, InstallShield and CPIO;
- Support for new executable file formats: 64-bit ELF files and OS X Universal Binaries with Mach-O files;
- improve the PE heuristics detection engine by adding support of bogus icons and fake PE header information;
Project is need for your support, $15 is a good start.
Please contact to get clamav.

Clamav 0.95.3 is released.
this is mostly bug-fixes release, fix some importent bugs
in FRESHCLAM utility.
Update feature from previous version is available via:
Project is need for your support, $10 is a good start.
Please contact to get clamav.

Clamav 0.95.2 is released.
this is mostly bug-fixes release, minor perfomance improvements.
add key --file-list key to clamscan and clamdscan - see official documentation.
logfiles writing is fixed. Please note, logfiles paths are controlled via
Update feature from previous version is available via:
Build process will get all configuration and virusbase from previous installation (if any).
It is recommended to check LogFile and UpdateLogFile options in CLAMD.CONF and FRESHCLAM.CONF after update respectively.
Alexey Chupahin is searching a sponsor to improvement clamav.
Please contact to get clamav.

Clamav 0.95.1 is released.
This version is based on strongly updated codebase.
Many bugs are fixed, especially for OpenVMS,
CLAMD,FRESHCLAM daemons logs are available for reading any time.
All ClamAV official tests are passed.
GMP library is not needed more-removed from distribution.
RAR support is released via shared library because of license issues.
Update feature from previous version is available via:
Build process will get all configuration and virusbase from previous installation (if any).

Clamav 0.95RC1 testing is released.
This version is based on strongly updated codebase.
RAR support is released via shared library because of license issues.
New: update feature from previous version is available via:
Build process will get all configuration and virusbase from previous installation (if any).
I devote to clamav a quite much business time.
Please, if you find clamav for VMS useful, please donate me a small sum.
It helps me make clamav better.


Clamav 0.94.2 is released.
Support for GMP library to verify the digital signature
of the virus database is added. (Thanks for Jouk Jansen).
GMP is distributed with clamav since 0.94.2 until GMP will be available separately.

Clamav 0.94.1 is released.
OpenVMS support is enhanced, all tests provided by clamav team are passed.
chm, tnef file types support is fixed.
Please read what's new in this version

Clamav 0.94 is released.
Please read what's new in this version

Clamav 0.93.3 is released.
This is mostly bug-fixes version.

Clamav 0.93.1 is released.
This version improves handling of PDF, CAB, RTF, OLE2 and HTML files
and includes bugfixes for 0.93B issues.
It is recommeded to use latest BZIP 1.0.5 with latest clamav.
Please download it from the download section.

BZIP 1.0.5 is ported to OpenVMS.
Large files more then 2GB is enabled for Alpha and I64.
This is bug-fix release.

Clamav 0.93B is released.
This is OpenVMS bug-fix release. Utility clamdscan argument parsing is fixed.
Now clamdscan behavor is closer to unix variant.

Clamav 0.93A is released.
This is OpenVMS bug-fix release. Daemonize function is fixed.
Freshclam can work in daemon mode using start$ Special thanks for Jouk Jansen.

Clamav 0.93 is released.
This is mostly bug-fix release, including OpenVMS-specific bug-fixes.

Clamav 0.92.1 is here!
Various bugs are fixed.
VMS-specific bug for text files with various-length attributes is fixed.
Before using clamav please read README.VMS

Clamav 0.92 is here!
Unrar code is strongly revised and moved into separate library under unrar license.
Enable unarj support code.
Various bugs are fixed.

Clamav 0.91.2 is republished
Thanks for Jouk Jansen, a 2 bugs was found and corrected in freshclam and clamscan. Please refresh your clamav.

Clamav 0.91.2 is here
This is newest antivirus update.
NSIS support is added, many bug-fixes.
I rewrite also DESCRIP.MMS files generated by to to avoid MMS bug upper/lower case file name in ODS-5.
Testers are required.

Died DEC 2000 model 300 is replaced by HP Integrity rx1620.
Port to be continued...

Clamav 0.90.2A is here
This is OpenVMS-only bug-fix release.
CFGPARSER.C file is fixed for OpenVMS.

Clamav 0.90.2 is here
This is mostly bug-fix release.
New OpenVMS features: option parsing module is adopted for OpenVMS.
It is possible to use OpenVMS wildcard file names in CLAMSCAN and CLAMDSCAN
utilites now.

Clamav 0.90.1A is here
This is OpenVMS-only bug-fix release.
- Problem with detecting viruses in variable-record format text files is fixed.
- Virus databases downloaded are put to the right place instead of Temporary directory.

Clamav stable new release 0.90.1 is here
This is bug-fix release.
Building process is in standard procedure:
To test experimental code, please use
$@configure experimental

Clamav stable new release 0.90 is here
Building process is in standard procedure:
To test experimental code, please use
$@configure experimental

BZIP2 version 1.0.4 is ported to OpenVMS.
This is OpenVMS-fixed version, free from VMS-specific errors from previous ones.
VMS-style file spec is now allowed.
Shared and static libraries is provided for IA64,Alpha and VAX.
for both static and shareable libraries,
@configure static
for only static ones.

Stable ClamAV 0.88.7 is out!
This version fixes:
- libclamav/message.c: handle consecutive errors in base64 decoding
- libclamav/mbox.c: honour recursion limit when scanning email mess - clamscan: new option --mail-max-recursion
- clamd/clamav-milter: new option MaiMaxRecursion
- libclamav/untar.c: honour archive limit

ClamAV 0.90 Release Candidate 2 is out!
All features are working except Linux-specific ones.
From 0.88.x series to 0.90 code has been strongly revised by Clamav team.
OpenVMS support code has been also updated and improved, Clamav experimental code is definitionly included into compilation process.
Testers are respectively invited into testing process.

ClamAV 0.88.6 is out!
This version fixes:
- freshclam: apply timeout patch from Everton da Silva Marques (new options: ConnectTimeout and ReceiveTimeout).
On OpenVMS, this feature is supported if runtime supports fcntl() with F_GETFL, F_SETFL commands. Detecting it is included to script.
- clamd: change stack size at the right place (closes bug#103) Patch from Jnathan Chen
- libclamav/petite.c: sanity check the number of rebuilt sections (speeds uping of malformed files)
- OpenVMS-specific bug fixes in libclamav/others.c in cli_rmdirs(). Now clamd is working again. .

ClamAV 0.88.5 is out!
Bug-fix release. This version fixes a crash in the CHM unpacker and a heap overflow in the function lding PE files after unpacking. (22-OCT-2006)

ClamAV 0.88.4 is out!
Porting has been finished for all, except ClamAV sendmail milter and Linux specific clamuko/dazuko/famuko for a clear reasons. CLAMSCAN virus scanner, CLAMD daemon with CLAMDSCAN simple scaner client, FRESHCLAM updater are out. This software tested on Alpha only. Itanium testers still needed.(17-SEP-2006)

OpenVMS ClamAV project is started! (08-SEP-2006)

ClamAV and Clam AntiVirus are trademarks of Tomasz Kojm.